Friday, 8 May 2015

My Top 4 Ways to De-Stress

Hello Lovelies,

In life it's only normal to have things that stress you, whether it be school, work, personal life, you name it, there's always something that can be a bit overwhelming. Recently a few things in my life have changed and also presented some new opportunities and sometimes it just feels a bit too much at times, which is why I think it's so important to take some time out for yourself and de-stress.


First and foremost, I find scents really comforting, whether it be a scented candle or a fragrance oils, there is something just so calming about a gorgeous smell in the air. My current favourites when it comes to candles are the Airwick Scented Candle in "Lemonade Stand"* and the Multicolour Silhouette candle* in "Amber Mandarin Glow", as well as the Tigerlily Viva Candle in "Coconut, Lemon & Lime". If you're not one for burning candles in your home - fire and all that, I totally get it ! - I would recommend trying out reed diffusers. You get the same effect, minus the worrying about a lit flame

Face Masks

Next up, are face masks ! Obviously depending on how my skin is, will determine what face mask I use. So far through my skincare ventures, I am yet to find a face mask that absolutely blows me away, but there are definitely a few that I tend to use on a regular basis. Some of my favourites include the Formula 10.0.6 masks that you can buy in individual packets, or a full-size tube, as well as the Lonvitalite sheet masks and the Palmer's Purifying Mask. Then all you have to do is sit back, relax and let the mask work its magic !


To me, nothing more says “de-stressing and relaxing” than reading. If you have a book you’re currently reading or have always thought about that certain book you've always wanted to read but haven’t quite got around to it, take some time out for yourself and read them! Or if you’re like me and don’t currently have a book in mind, or often struggle getting into a book, pick up your favourite magazine and catch up on the latest trends or who’s supposedly pregnant or getting divorced. Immersing yourself in something such as reading can help take your mind of things for a bit and prevent situations and events from feeling too overwhelming.


Finally to de-stress I love listening to music. Whether it's something to rock out to and have a good dance and sing-a-long in my bedroom, or some nice calming and relaxing songs, music is definitely a way that I de-stress. Another great option is to create a playlist, or even a few, of your favourite songs depending on your mood. So instead of fiddling around with all your songs, they're all right there in their own little ready to go playlist. P.S don't judge me for enjoying a bit.... okay, a lot of One Direction.

I hope you all enjoyed "My Top 4 Ways to De-Stress", I'd also love to hear of any other ways you de-stress !

Have an incredible weekend and to all you mothers, aunts, grandmothers, sisters, important female figures and men who play a mothers role, I wish you all a happy mother's day !

*Post contains products that were gifted. This is NOT a sponsored post.


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